Minggu, 29 September 2019

[ICO - ITA] Refine Medium, the platform that rewards you for viewing videos!

Hi crypto lovers, I dedicate this article to talk about the Refine Medium project  https://www.refinemedium.com ). The team aims to create a decentralized multimedia platform that offers authentic and high quality video content. It is based on Ethereum technology designed to allow viewers, creators and innovators of the platform to connect via blockchain-based smart contracts . In the rest of the article I will explain to you in detail the features of this fantastic project. Follow me!

The problem

We are living in an age in which the creation and enjoyment of videos all over the world are experiencing serious discomfort. The distinctions between print and digital media, video games and sports, wireless and fixed access to the Internet, pay-TV and Over-The-Top (OTT), social media and traditional media are tarnishing. For consumers around the world, entertainment has become more than a necessity. Not surprisingly, the entertainment and media industry generates over $ 2 billion in annual revenue worldwide ($ 750 billion in the US, $ 190 billion in China and $ 157 billion in Japan). This phenomenal growth in online video content over the last decade has triggered a remarkable shift in the balance of power. While online and offline content providers engage in the struggle for control, consumers are the only beneficiaries with an unprecedented choice of content. But is shifting control from oligopolistic studios and production companies to video platforms that think the same way a sustainable option? Or there is a better option that raises the expectations of consumers eager for content and therereward simultaneously for viewing and reviewing videos ?

The solution

Refine Medium is a decentralized video platform that offers authentic and high quality video content Refine medium connects spectators, creators and innovators of the platform through smart contract.
Refine Medium is a unique platform that provides direct rewards for its creators, while rewarding users for watching the video, without geographical barriers! Refine Medium is a perfect blend of corporate consciousness, technical finesse and unprecedented entertainment. With a clear mission and the tools to do the same in its arsenal, Refine Medium aims to develop a " People's Own Media " platform based on blockchain technology and driven by a robust cryptocurrency designed for mass adoption. 

What are the goals of Refine Medium?

The Refine Medium platform is based on "5 trusts".
  1. Content Trust. Advertisers raise concerns about the quality, security and adequacy of the content advertised by advertisers.
  2. Audience Trust. Media and academic reports have suggested that many social media accounts are bots.
  3. Data Trust. Mote E & M companies are taking on more responsibility for protecting credit card numbers.
  4. Monetization Trust . The direct measurement of the audience of the public on the fact that an agency is referring to the public promised to a client has not received a satisfactory answer.
  5. Ecosystem Trust. Is your company good for society? The size, scope and usefulness of current media platforms are resurfacing this philosophical question.
Entertainment and media companies around the world are increasingly affected by the level of trust that results. Therefore, Refine Medium believes that trust will be a determining factor for the ability to attract and sustain revenues in the future. With this conviction, Refine Medium aims to lead the E&M industry into the future with the help of an online video platform.

What are the services provided by Refine Medium?

The following basic services will be offered by Refine Medium in the first phase of its introduction.
  1. Video upload: easy, fast and secure. Refine Medium uses Ethereum's blockchain technology to perform two main functions that allow transparency in: content monetization and storage of valuable information for creators, innovators and users that will win the trust of all platform stakeholders. The model implemented by Refine Medium through blockchain technology creates a network directed from creator to consumer, replacing intermediaries in the process. The blockchain validates information on a distributed ledger that will provide various levels of privacy for users based on the implementation and behavior of the actors within the infrastructure.
  2. Refined protocols for copyright management. Refine Medium respects the intellectual property rights of others and requires all stakeholders to do the same. Refine Medium is strictly against copyright infringement activities and the infringement of intellectual property rights on its website or related services. Refine Medium may remove content and / or terminate a user's account due to a violation of its Terms and Conditions at any time, with notice. Furthermore, the videos will not be downloadable due to the risk of copyright infringement. If you want to download a certain content, you can do it by paying XRM tokens .
  3. Equitable distribution of power. Refine Medium aims to provide a world-class infrastructure for creators who produce quality content and promote an increase in compensation and a fair distribution of power.
  4. Moderation of decentralized content. On the road to becoming a global decentralized solution, the platform aims to address the problems of content suitability, plagiarism and legality by implementing a group of participants, among its users, to moderate the uploaded topic.

The DApp Refine Medium

The decentralized Refine Medium app will provide the user with an intuitive interface for streaming, uploading and reviewing videos in a fully decentralized environment. The moderators will be responsible for moderating the platform by voting for the various videos. A video is loaded only when its threshold value is reached. Both users and moderators will be encouraged with my means to refine the token. Refine Medium will introduce a new ERR20 XRM token The app will have the following features:
  • 24/7 video streaming and uploading 
  • Automatic reward through Smart Contract
  • Space Boost
  • Data Boost
  • Refine Medium Wallet
  • Transparent and secure token transactions

The token economy

Refine Medium has introduced the XRM token to promote all transactions and the economy on the Refine Medium platform. XRM is designed to act as a native payment system for the network and reward all interested parties for the production, distribution and promotion of quality video content. For maximum transparency and the protection of participants, the sale will be regulated by a Smart Contract used on the Ethereum Blockchain. XRM is a utility token and can be used within the platform to:
  • Data Boost. Creators will be able to use XRMs to request various user trends from the platform to improve the quality of their videos.
  • Refine Handpick. Moderators will get a reward in XRM for content moderation.
  • Space Boost. Each user on the Refine Media platform will have a limited number of monthly uploads. In order to access the unlimited upload function, it is necessary to purchase a boost pack that allows the user to upload on an unlimited basis on a monthly basis.
the total supply of XLM tokens is 300,000,000 units and the following image shows the relative distribution. 
You can already participate in the Private Sale by accessing the project website. The Pre-Sale, instead, will start in about 21 days starting today. I conclude the article by saying that I consider Refine Medium a very interesting project and, if the team respects the promises of the White Paper, it will surely be an interesting platform to get rewards for creating and / or viewing video content! 

Links to official project resources:

My Username : Gambzzz

My Bitcointalk URL : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2466351;sa=summary

My ETH Address : 0x505c1205514D5bBcE8bC076e06D7056964589167

Telegram : @Gambzzzzzz

Email: Gambang009@gmail.com

REFINE MEDIUM – People’s Own Media

Refine Medium is a decentralized media platform rendering authentic and high quality video content. It is built upon Ethereum technology designed to enable viewers, creators and innovators of the platform to connect via blockchain based smart contracts. A one-of-its-kind platform that will incentivise each and every stakeholder for their contribution to the platform.
Entertainment and media companies are affected by the level of trust that results. Therefore, Refine Medium is that trust will be the determining factor for the ability to attract and sustain revenues in the future. With this conviction, Refine Medium aims to lead the E&M industry into the future with the help of an online video platform.
Refine Medium being a decentralized platform runs on crystal clear terms. It is interested in rendering high quality video to its customers. Refine Medium rewards its customers simultaneously even as they compensate their content creators. They have promised to carry their content creators and customers along not pushing them backwards or neglecting them. A content creator will be awarded and encouraged to do better by showing them that truly matter.
Refine Medium doesn’t have any sort of barriers. It is very cheap and affordable .Refine Medium is bent on changing the way centralized industry runs by breaking protocols and stages. The world is sure to step into an era of transparency, reliable and also a creator-user friendly season. It will renovate the experience of its customers.
Refine Medium is a unique platform that provides direct rewards for its creators, while rewarding users for watching the video, without geographical barriers! Refine Medium is a perfect blend of corporate consciousness, technical finesse and unprecedented entertainment. Refine Medium aims to develop a "People's Own Media" based on blockchain technology and driven by a robust cryptocurrency designed for mass adoption.


Refine Medium aims to do the following:
  • Validation of contents to ensure high quality products.
  • Verification to ensure that it has necessary contents required.
  • A rigid and untampered secured ledge to build trust in the blockchain system.


Refine Medium is tirelessly working to make sure that their set mission is achieved. They will at the same time ensure the satisfaction of their users all over the world. Refine Medium will also make sure to stand firm at the side of their content creators,and to ensure that they do not receive glory for what they ought not to. Refine Medium will be making sure to build the gap between human beings and being human,this means that they have a clear conscience and would not try by-cutting the content creators and stealing what rightfully belongs to them.

Problems Refine Medium Aims to Solve

  1. Lack of trust: Users are now finding it difficult to put their trust in the words of video platforms, With countless video platforms everywhere one can hardly tell which is fake from the real. This is because of the exploitation of users information for monetary purpose.
  2. Lack of first hand creator-viewer network: Transparency in the media industry has now become old fashioned and a forgone issue. There is suppose to be a relationship between the stakeholders this is the most important criteria for online video industry today.
  3. No revenue proceeds for viewers: The media has forgotten that their users are the reason they existed from the beginning, users have been total forgotten forgetting that they play the most important role in they hierarchy of online-video production. Viewers should be treated more importantly, there at least should be a rewarded for always watching online video.

Solutions Proffered by the Platform

  1. Video uploading made easy, fast and secure: Refine Medium will make the uploading of videos quite easy and smooth relying on blockchain technology.
  2. Refine protocols for copyright management: Refine Medium loathes copyrights and monopoly so they will be making available copyright moderator to replace copyright agent, this will be done to stop any any party from monopolizing or copying any products without the creators permission.
  3. Equitable power disposition: A creator will be provided with a unique Refine ID. Refine Medium will also be placing total control in the hands of content creators,in other words, the content creator has an upper hand, whatever he says goes.
Refine Medium has come up with a social video platform which aims to bridge the gap between “human being” & “being human” as humanity thrives forever. There are 4 stages of building a quality creator in the Refine Medium ecosystem- Creators with a new idea and raw content, Creators collaborating with RefineMedium moderators to cause a positive impact on their creation with a touch of professionalism, Creators who have established their identity on the platform and intend to progress and prosper and at last, Creators who have achieved enough prosperity and stardom and intend to cause lasting changes in the society and inspire others to do the same.
Refine Medium aims to provide an ecosystem which nurtures a naive creator into a self-actualised one. The goal is to reach the top of the “Refine Rhombus”.
The whole structure is built aiming to progressively refine the content and help creators to evolve, and in turn, viewers get a better experience.
The presented features promise to put a lot of distance between them and the current video platforms. The combination of the right structure, focus on the user and the trust and immutability allowed by blockchain tech, can in fact setup a great platform.
Among other very interesting features, they offer improved video uploading time using the P2P network, including varying levels of privacy allowed by blockchain tech; all user data is decentralised in various nodes across the globe, and customers can control and monitor their own data; they focus in usability featuring a comprehensive dashboard, options to chat & socialize, forums, etc; they have a proprietary content discovery & suggestion algorithm that will be offering tailor made content to each user;
They have a refined governance structure in which a democratically elected moderator group will be in charge of addressing issues like content suitability, plagiarism, legal aspects, copyright etc. The structure allows equal revenue distribution among all the stakeholders, including the viewers.
So, for creators, there is a self-evolutionary path that is carved with blockchain transparency and a fair rewarding system, video creation, uploading, storage and diffusion is easy, safe, private if needed, and even video storage is decentralized…
For viewers you can expect to get an improved user experience, better quality content, and even some revenue.
Looking at their roadmap, pre-sale is almost here and MVP is about to get public. For 2nd quarter 2019 we can still expect the beta version launch as well as the main ICO announcement, so by the time we reach the ICO period, these guys will have a solid project background as well as a great market potential.
They’ll be implementing IPFS system for the upload of video files on the decentralized nodes and to stream video files in chunks to the client side. And this should be already working on the MVP.
Users of existing media platforms and social networks are becoming increasingly unhappy with their experience and the media giants seem to be lacking the flexibility and vision needed to evolve along with their users needs.
Refine Medium has put together a solid approach with a very good potential, leveraging blockchain to solve existing lacks on common persons daily needs and habits.
Refine Medium increases current standards to an unheard of the level where social obligation towards individuals turns into a need. The organization will continually endeavor to motivate and urge individuals to stimulate their craving to always transfer their substance to the Refine Medium. By and by, I likely would have attempted to put my substance later on such a decentralized site. In addition, the organization offers to procure utilizing an online video stage. Simply envision that you can gain, for instance, by watching recordings, you could promote your item and win cash, or simply watch the news, tune in to tunes, watch instructive substance and still make a benefit. As you see this methodology will intrigue many.

Features of the Platform

  • Video Uploading Mechanism
Easy, fast and secure Refine Medium uses Ethereum's blockchain technology to perform two main functions that allow transparency in: content monetization and storage of valuable information for creators, innovators and users that will win the trust of all platform stakeholders. The model implemented by Refine Medium through blockchain technology creates a network directed from creator to consumer, replacing intermediaries in the process. The blockchain validates information on a distributed ledger that will provide various levels of privacy for users based on the implementation and behavior of the actors within the infrastructure. Establishing P2P network that eliminates intermediaries making the video uploading easy to interpret and fast. The video uploading mechanism is secured by blockchain technology which provides varying levels of privacy.
  • Secured User Data
The basic motto of refine medium is to build burst in blockchain technology. User data is distributed across the various nodes all around the world which makes it very hard to be exploited. Refine Medium enables its customers to monitor the data held about them & control how it is used.
  • User-friendly Infrastructures
This includes diverse collection of videos,a comprehensive user dashboard,regulation of payments through smart contract,options to chat & socialize, a dedicated forum for all type of user redressals & more.
  • Improved Accessibility
Making available the right content to the right user at right time across the globe. Refine Medium content discovery & suggestion algorithm will be a real time feed back loop which follows both the user and the content thus, tailoring the respective videos to the users
  • Equitable Power and Monetary Distribution
Ensuring equal revenue distribution among all the stakeholders of the platform. Refine Medium aims to eliminate the oligopolistic behavior existing in video platforms of today.
  • Decentralized Content Moderation
A moderator will be democratically elected from the user base of Refine Medium platform. The main purpose of a moderator will be to address content suitability, accessibility plagiarism and legal aspects. In other words, a group of moderators will govern the internal mechanism of the Refine Medium platform.
  • Copyright Management
Refine Medium is the property rights of others and requires all stakeholders to do the same. Refine Medium is strictly against copyright infringement and the infringement of intellectual property rights on its website or related services. Refine Medium replaces the “copyright agents” of today with “copyright moderators”. Refine Medium has a robust copyright query and counter-query mechanism which involves all the parties in case of a dispute.

Highlights of Refine Medium

Here are a portion of the center highlights of Refine Medium:
  • Store video content decentralized (Refine Medium uses IPFS convention)
  • Clients can transfer recordings and make free channels
  • Video makers can pitch access to premium substance
  • Watchers can support and give to content makers
  • Clients can get compensates in return for observing free recordings
  • Anybody can purchase premium substance with XRM tokens
  • Publicists can publicize on the stage and send installments straightforwardly to clients - including video makers and watchers
  • Open source programming is based on Ethereum blockchain and brilliant contracts
  • All installments on the stage are done consequently in XRM tokens and are put away on the blockchain.

XRM Tokens

Refine Medium has introduced the XRM token to promote all transactions and the economy on the Refine Medium platform. XRM is designed to act as a native payment system for networks and rewards. The salt will be regulated by a Smart Contract used on the Ethereum Blockchain.
XRM is a utility token and can be used within the platform to:
  • Data Boost
The creators will be able to use the XRMs to request various user trends from the platform in order to improve the quality of their videos.
  • Refine Handpick
Moderators will get a reward in XRM for content moderation.
  • Space Boost
Each user on the Refine Media platform will have a limited number of monthly uploads. In order to access the unlimited upload function, it is necessary to purchase a boost that allows the user to upload an unlimited basis on a monthly basis.

ICO Details

  • Ticker: XRM
  • Type: Utility Token
  • Platform: Ethereum
  • Token type: ERC20
  • Decimal: 18
  • Soft cap: 20000 ETH
  • Hard cap: 170000 ETH
  • KYC: No
  • Location: HONG KONG
  • Accepted currencies: ETH, BTC, BCH, XRP
  • Restricted areas: US, Ethiopia, Iran, Iraq, Serbia, Sri Lanka, Syria, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Vanuatu, Yemen & Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK)

ICO Stages


For more information, please visit:
My Username : Gambzzz
My Bitcointalk URL : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2466351;sa=summary
My ETH Address : 0x505c1205514D5bBcE8bC076e06D7056964589167
Telegram : @Gambzzzzzz
Email: Gambang009@gmail.com

REFINE MEDIUM: Decentralized Media Platform

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In recent years, as media platforms have continued to increase, these platforms have become a place where people can generate serious income. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and YouTube have begun to capture every moment of our lives. In a period when social media has entered our lives so many new applications are emerging every day. People spend most of their time watching videos in front of a computer. Many places such as food, product promotions, places he visits are offered to consumers by their producers. But that bit is real; In these platforms, data is controlled from a single center and recorded in a single center.
Lack of trust, delay in payments, excess of intermediaries, lack of preference for new generation technologies are among the problems in the system. Today, I would like to give you information about the REFINE MEDIUM project, which will provide you with the solution of these problems and provide you with new generation technologies What is Refine Medium? What benefits will it provide us? I have clarified these questions below.
To get an idea about the project, you can watch the short introductory video below.


Refine Medium is a decentralized video streaming platform that aims to deliver the best, most original, highest quality video content to customers based on a block chain. It is built on the Ethereum base, designed to enable the platform's audience, creators and innovators to connect via intelligent blockchain-based contracts. Refine Medium,It is a kind of platform that provides users with full transparency and rewards users to review their videos, without geographical obstacles, easily discoverable and preventing downloads from piracy. At the same time, low subscription fees for its users are among the biggest features of the platform. The purpose of the platform; to provide a unique infrastructure that will allow easy, fast, secure video downloads to ensure a smooth, user-friendly streaming experience.
With its P2P network that eliminates platform agents, it makes video uploading easy and quick to interpret. The video upload mechanism is secured by blockchain technology, which provides various levels of privacy. Videos uploaded on the Refine platform use the IPFS protocol, which allows files to remain on a distributed network without a central server or control. IPFS is a peer-to-peer protocol where each node stores a collection of hash files.
Refine Medium's interface is intuitive and makes it easy to watch, upload, and evaluate videos. It is based on local government policy and videos are uploaded to the platform only if they receive a certain number of votes. The system has moderators of the network that vote for videos, and subsequent reviews generate rewards for content creators.


  • Refine medium provides 24/7 video streaming and easy uploading.
  • Thanks to the P2P network that eliminates agents, it enables the interpretation and quick installation of video uploads.
  • User data is stored securely.
  • With its user-friendly infrastructure, users can also chat and socialize.
  • With improved accessibility, you have the opportunity to deliver the right content to the right user at the right time, wherever you are in the world.
  • It has a strong copyright inquiry and counter-inquiry mechanism covering all parties in case of any dispute with copyright management.
  • Neutral voting and award sharing mechanism is among the features of the platform.

    • Token name: XRM
    • Token platform: ERC-20
    • Accepted currencies: ETH, BTC, BCH and XRP
    • Token Sales will be made in three different stages;
    • Private sale will take place between 25.05.2019–15.06.2019. The amount of tokens to be sold will be 15 million XRM.
    • The preliminary sale will take place between 25–06.2019–15.07.2019. The amount of tokens to be sold will be 30 million XRM.
    • The ICO will be held between 25.07.2019–30.09.2019. The amount of token to be sold is 150 million XRM.


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    Refine Medium team is a project prepared by expert web designers, blockchain developers and finance experts. Team members are listed below.
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    As a result, nowadays social media platforms are becoming widespread, Refine Medium offers many advantages to its users. With the use of new generation technologies, you will be able to share your videos and content safely. If you want to get more detailed information about the project, please visit the following pages.
    My Username : Gambzzz
    My Bitcointalk URL : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2466351;sa=summary
    My ETH Address : 0x505c1205514D5bBcE8bC076e06D7056964589167
    Telegram : @Gambzzzzzz
    Email: Gambang009@gmail.com